Raise up a generation of people
Who are willing to give God
The best years of their lives,
And He will use this generation
To impact all levels of society and all walks of life!
Drummer's Note 7:35 AM
8 Mar 07
PEOPLE Quote - 'He that wins souls is wise' - Proverbs 11:30 Whatever you are doing, remember you're doing it in a people world.
You're not building a great organisation, company or church - you're building a great people.
People will build whatever you are building; if you build them.
Win people all the time.
Especially the volunteers for their wages are recognition, appreciation and honor.
Don't neglect to pay everyone his or her due.
Recognise, appreciate, thank, encourage and honour everyone.
Building people is your business!
The best chef can only do so much with a lump of meat.
Whether you'll come back is up to the people who serve you.
Clients will even put up with mistakes if the people part blesses them.
Contact, communicate and connect. Win people!
Drummer's Note 7:13 AM
2 March 07 CRITICISM
Quote - 'Through good and ill report I still rushed on Nor felt the fire of popular applause Nor feared the torturing flame in such a glorious cause.' - George Whitfield in a letter to John Wesley One of the most difficult challenges for a leader is the inevitable criticism from being out front
The more successful you become the greater the criticism will be.
People clothe jealousy, prejudice and envy with legitimate sounding criticisms.
Henry Louis Mencken said 'criticism is prejudice made plausible.'
If you care too much what others think, you will be hurt.
Care less what others think.
You cannot make everyone happy.
Stay true to your course.
Nothing of worth is achieved without opposition.
Winston Churchill declared; 'Opposition is the natural environment of effective leaders. Resisting extreme reaction to criticism is the key to steadiness at the helm. One of the deciding marks of a great leader is the way he handles criticism. Criticism is easy, achievement is difficult.'
Eugene Seah
In Heart of God Church (For Eternity!)
In class C5
CCA: St Hilda's Secondary
msn: seahfam3@hotmail.com
Jesus my Saviour
Heart of God Church
My Parents, Pastors and Leaders!!
Playing the Drums and Guitar
My brothers and sisters in Christ